• Registered Auditors


    Business Advisers

    • We can help

      The client’s first point of call is often their solicitor who will assess the legal implications of the claim and advise accordingly. Where Watsons can help is assessing and advising on the financial aspects of the claim or interpreting financial information and associated taxation. Watsons have the necessary specialist expertise to assist clients, or their solicitors, in such disputes be it matrimonial, personal injury, business or a combination of all three.

      Watsons can help in various ways:

      • Providing preliminary advice on quantum and liability - including business/share valuations
      • Advising on documents required under discovery
      • Advising the legal team on the financial and tax aspects of the case
      • Preparing experts' reports
      • Appearing at trial to give oral evidence
      • Assisting with negotiations to settle the case